Mental crisis
Every person experiences emotional stress to a more or less severe extent, for example if
- one experiences violence or even war
- a relative suffers from violence or an accident
- one is affected by a serious illness
- one has to live in an existence-threatening situation for a long time
- one has an unresolvable conflict in one’s family
Great mental stress can turn into an emotional crisis. People in an emotional crisis
experience very intense feelings: despair, hopelessness
anxiety or depression, even suicidal thoughts.
anxiety or depression, even suicidal thoughts.
ATTENTION Mental Crisis
A mental crisis is a mental state of emergency. Those affected, can barely control their
emotions and actions. Sometimes they inflict serious harm to themselves
or other people! It is important that you get professional support quickly.
The crisis outpatient hospital of the CDK (Christian Doppler Clinic) is always available in urgent emergencies.
You receive expert counselling from hotlines.
free of charge and anonymous. Call and ask for advice. Around the clock!
Krisenintervention (Crisis intervention)
Salzburg ✆ +43 662 43 33 51
Pongau ✆ +43 6412 200 33
Zell am See ✆ +43 6542 72600
Telefonseelsorge (Telephone Counselling)
✆ 142 or ✆ +43 662 142
Schwanger und verzweifelt (Pregnant and desperate)
✆ 0800 53 99 35
Kuratorium für psychische Gesundheit (Organisation for Mental Health)
✆ +43 664 100 800 1